We can all do our bit
• YOUTH centres and clubs don’t work so it is time to shut them all and try something that would work, such as everyone taking their share of responsibility.
First, the main responsibility lies with the parents’ full-time supervision in and out of the home. Yes, we must go back to basics. Rearing children is not like any other job; you don’t get immediate results. It is a long-term project but a rewarding one. Children are a gift and they should be cherished.
Children do like guidelines and discipline, but you must start the minute a child takes its first steps or even before. A parent should always be in the home and children should be allowed to enjoy their home and be in bed early. You will get the rewards long-term and children have a right to be cared for. Why not build places where children and young people can learn basic living skills, such as cooking.
This could be done cheaply if the will was there. We could teach every child to play a musical instrument, sing and dance. Every child is capable of doing these things if given the opportunity. Sports are not the answer. Very few can make a living out of sport.
If parents will not or cannot care for their children then the state must do so. No child should have to go into care or the criminal system. If this was put into practice it would not be a perfect solution but it would be a start. If children and young people are out on the streets then parents must be out with them, regardless how much of an embarrassment they are.
No more talking, we need action and we can all do our bit. Every child and young person is precious.
Address supplied, N5
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