Moving on, to Europe?
• IN the light of Helen Bailey‘s resignation as chief executive of Islington Council, a number of interesting facts should be taken into account (Town Hall chief is quitting hot-seat job, January 11).
While Ms Bailey holds the office of chief executive she is unable to take part in any political activity. Indeed, when she took up the post she had to resign as a member of the Liberal Democrats and from her position as a member of the national committee of the Lib Dems.
Another interesting, and I believe related, fact is that, due to legal changes, Baroness Ludford, who is also an MEP for the Lib Dems in London, will be unable to remain a baroness if re-elected as an MEP in June 2009.
I could see the following scenario developing. When Ms Bailey leaves her post in the summer she will immediately take up membership of the Liberal Democrats.
Shortly after that, Baroness Ludford will announce that she wishes to remain a member of the Lords and withdraw a candidature for MEP. The London Lib Dems will reopen the selection process and, low and behold, Ms Bailey is selected to top the Lib Dem list for the European election in 2009.
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