Spotting abuse
• I HAVE worked in social care my entire adult life and now I keep seeing baffling comments in newspapers from Councillor Catherine West about her carrying out unannounced inspections on care homes.
I am wondering how exactly she is qualified to carry out these inspections. Inspections are generally carried out by experienced care home managers who would be expected to have at least two of the following professional qualifications: the Diploma in Social Work (and its predecessors, such as Certificate of Qualification in Social Work), Certificate of Social Services, Level 1 Nursing, Diploma in Occupational Therapy, Diploma in Physiotherapy, NVQ Care Level 4, NVQ 4 in health and social care, NVQ 4 in managing care services, Certificate in Management Studies, Diploma in Management Studies, City and Guilds 325/3 – advanced management in care, diploma in the management of care services, Masters in Business Administration, Post Qualifying Award in Social Work or Advanced Award in Social Work.
I am guessing that Cllr West doesn’t match any of these qualifications.
Do Labour councillors seriously think they would notice signs of abuse if they walked into a care home unannounced? That it would leap out in front of them? That things friends and family hadn’t noticed would be obvious to their eyes?
The entire idea is insane. And unless Labour councillors have some special qualifications that they have been keeping hidden I would suggest you stop giving the idea any print space in your papers.
Cllr Kelly Peasnell
Lib Dem, Clerkenwell