Where is evidence?
• I HAVE so far chosen to ignore Ivor and Florence Kenna’s slur on Islington Unison: “The Islington branch of the care workers’ trade union Unison took no action whatsoever,” which has been made at least twice in the letters pages of the Tribune. I am sure readers will have seen plenty of information about what Unison has done to make up their own minds.
However, they have now chosen to make the same slur in the letters page of a national daily paper which has not covered the story in any depth.
I suggest they provide the evidence to back up their statement that we did nothing for the members or that we did not do what the members asked us to do.
If they can’t produce the evidence I suggest they shut up and attack the real aggressors in the Care UK scandal, Islington Council and, of course, Care UK.
Andrew Berry
Deputy branch secretary, Islington Unison