This plan to chop down trees is sheer vandalism
• I AM writing to protest most vehemently against the scandalous proposal to chop down up to 20 trees in the little park opposite my flat in Colebrooke Row, Angel.
With the apparent blessing of the council, Islington is being concreted over with new developments, and peaceful, shady, green spaces are extremely few and far between. They should be nurtured and treasured. Yet, it is planned to take a chainsaw to the trees which bring beauty and shade to a corner of Islington which is a conservation area surrounded by listed buildings.
Islington Council used to have a policy of protecting trees with preservation orders, which meant they could not even be pruned without council permission. What happened to that policy?
The little park has been badly neglected by the council these last two or three years. Lovely shrubs and plants and flowers were removed and ragged wild grasses planted in their place, making the gardens look a mess, in places overgrown with weeds, in others bare and uncultivated.
The plan to chop down the trees which give the park a sense of peace and maturity is sheer vandalism.
Trees are good for the environment. They help mitigate the fumes emitted by the constant stream of traffic along City Road. What possible grounds can there be for chopping down mature, established trees?
I have heard that it is to make the park open so people are not afraid to go in there. What utter nonsense. People use the park all the time, and from late spring until early autumn enjoy the peace and shade offered by these lovely trees. In winter, many people still enjoy walking through and sitting in the gardens.
I would like to see the consultation correspondence which the council claims justifies its plan to chop down the trees. Who are the people who support the proposal? Everyone I know in the terrace of houses where I live directly opposite the gardens is opposed to the trees being felled.
Rosie Waterhouse
Colebrooke Row, N1
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