Make our voice heard
• IF Lillian Ladele has been following the correspondence columns of the Tribune, she will have noticed that none of her detractors has produced a single shred of Biblical evidence to support same-sex or “gay marriages”. Such evidence has indeed been conspicuous by its absence.
At the same time, Mrs Ladele will have been confirmed in her Christian beliefs, and strengthened in the stand she has taken, by the overwhelming evidence in scripture for the traditional Christian view that marriage is to be only between people of the opposite sex.
I shall never forget the sense of history and privilege I felt when I conducted my very first wedding service, and can well understand why Mrs Ladele feels unable to conduct civil partnership ceremonies for same-sex couples who are clearly practising sodomy.
What are professing Christians really doing to make their authentic voice heard, and stem the tide of evil that threatens to inundate the land? Oh, how we need to heed Edmund Burke’s warning: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Are we going to sit still and say nothing, while Stonewall agitates the government to allow “gay teachers” to tell our four-year-olds about their “lifestyle”, or leave our pens idle on our study desks as the same group demands that primary school teachers be instructed not to refer to the children’s parents as mum and dad in front of their pupils? Error, if given its head, often ends up shooting itself in the feet by running into great absurdities.
And what about older children, particularly those who have already reached their teens? Evidence of the sad spiritual and moral state of our young people is daily before our eyes, on the streets, in our newspapers and on our television screens.
Surely, at least some responsibility for our “broken society” today must be laid at the feet of a Christian Church which has not preached the Gospel to every creature?
Rev PD Johnson
Yerbury Road
Your Comments:
WHATEVER it might say or not say, scripture does not determine the laws of this land. (And this is very fortunate, as the bible contains many odious and barbaric rules and restrictions that we find abhorrent today.) The law grants same-sex couples the right to civil partnerships. No government employee should be permitted to discriminate against them.
When I saw the first legal same-sex marriages and unions take place, I was overwhelmed with joy that people who have suffered persecution for so long - especially at the hands of the church - could at last have their loving unions recognised and valued rather than despised and discounted.
Andrew Pakula
Minister, Unity Unitarian Church, Islington
http://www.new-unity.org |