For sale: school land
• I often collect my grandchildren from Hugh Myddelton School and usually read the school newsletters (Parents’ petition protest over plan to build playground flats, February 8).
I had read that repairs and improvements were planned for the school, but if it hadn’t been for information given out by the Independent Working Class Association I would have had no idea it was expected that my grandchildren would have to lose 300 square metres of their playground and green space to pay for these.
We are constantly being told that many children are overweight because they don’t get enough exercise, so why do the school governors think it is in the interests of the children to sell land meant for them to play and exercise on?
In just about every magazine the Lib Dem council produces, it talks about having a cleaner and greener Islington. So why are they happy to breach their own policies by selling green space at Hugh Myddelton School?
If the decision-makers go ahead with the plans, they know it is without the support of the majority of the parents and carers and it will be something we won’t forget too quickly.
Paul Benstead
Elizabeth Avenue, N1
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