Support a real cause
• IT is interesting to draw parallels between Arsene Wenger’s and Arsenal fans’ response to Eduardo’s injury and Boris Johnson’s comments, in 2004, regarding the death of Ken Bigley and the response of Liverpudlians.
At that time, Mr Johnson wrote: “They [the residents of Liverpool] see themselves whenever possible as victims, and resent their victim status; yet at the same time they wallow in it.”
Football is a skilled, high-risk activity which appears, if we are to believe the level of professional footballers’ pay, to be appropriately (over?) compensated. And while we can commiserate with Eduardo’s misfortune, this collective outpouring of apparent concern (reflected in the 2,000 emails to the club, the space devoted to messages to Eduardo in the match-day programme and the banners draper around the stadium at Saturday’s match) has to be seen against a backdrop where the player will benefit from the finest of medical attention.
The message is simply: if you want to wallow, get a real and deserving cause to get concerned about.
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