Why all this gloom?
• I can’t understand the extraordinary doom-and-gloom pictures painted by Islington South Labour MP Emily Thornberry (MP’s angst at mugging claim, March 7). Is she trying to make residents fearful, for her own political ends? If you look at the statistics, they show beyond any doubt that the Lib Dem council has achieved amazing success in reducing crime in Islington. Consider these three facts:
l We are less likely to be a victim of crime in Islington today than at any other time in the last 10 years.
l In 2007, Islington saw the most significant fall in crime in central London, a drop of 17 per cent in total crime since April 2007, and the Home Office has formally congratulated the Safer Islington Partnership.
l Comparing 2004 with 2007, sexual offences have decreased by almost a third, burglary is down 6 per cent,
theft of motor vehicles down by 42 per cent and theft from motor vehicles by 36 per cent. Robberies are down 17 per cent on 2006 levels. This is really impressive, considering that crime has been going up in neighbouring Hackney.
I’m really pleased at how much the council has invested in making Islington safer for all of us. Having police in every school and Safer Neighbourhoods teams are really helping young people address crime. All of us can make our area even safer by reporting any crime we see so it can be tackled.
Alison Marshall
Plimsoll Road, N4
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