Apartheid in schools
• WHEN I heard about a brave school where Palestinian children are taught together with Israeli children, I was really impressed by the courage of the teachers and parents, and it gave me hope for the future for those children.
When I hear of Catholic children in Northern Ireland schooled with Protestant children, it gives me hope for them.
So when I see children here in England going to their separate faith schools I am really sad and frustrated. I wonder how we expect them to live peacefully together in the future if they don’t learn and play together.
In South Africa, thankfully, the era of apartheid is over. “Apartheid” means “apart-ness”, keeping different people apart. Why do we tolerate apartheid for our children? If a school were allowed to select pupils on the basis of the parents’ skin colour, we’d be horrified. Why is it so different with religion?
I would love my son to go to the neighbourhood school with local kids, and if I pretended to be religious he probably could. But what kind of morals would that teach him?
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