We’re poor relations
• I was dismayed to read about the closure of Andover early years nursery, near Finsbury Park, and I hope the parents protesting to keep it open are successful.
Your articles and the council’s response point out that children at Andover will be offered places at a new children’s centre in Hornsey Road (Places for all children, March 21).
What they don’t say is that the new facility, the Mitford/Holloway Children’s Centre, is already replacing an existing nursery, the Mitford Under-Fives Centre, which must close as its permission to remain at its current site is being withdrawn.
The plans to combine SureStart Holloway and the Mitford have met with opposition from parents and the council has for the past few years promised that the centre will open up badly-needed childcare places for the community. Where are these places to come from when Andover joins? I am the parent of a special needs child and have been waiting for a place at two children’s centres in the borough for more than six months.
Holloway and Finsbury Park, despite being among the most deprived areas of the borough, have no existing children’s centres. Both of the ones that are planned have so far failed to open.
In contrast, wealthier parts of the borough have had flourishing centres for more than two years.
Closing the Andover is yet another broken promise from Islington Council to the people of Holloway and Finsbury Park and their children. It’s time for the council to stop treating the area as a poor relation.
Name and address supplied, N7
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