Parking regime will result in streets of empty shops
• I WRITE on behalf of several businesses in Green Lanes whose customers received parking tickets on Saturday afternoon as a result of the enforcement of the match day parking regulations.
There was an evening concert at the Emirates Stadium. The match day scheme regulations finished at 4.30pm, but nevertheless the regulations were enforced. They could not have been of any benefit to residents as any concert-goers needing parking would not have arrived until long after the hours of control had ended. Therefore it is difficult to comprehend as to why afternoon restrictions were applied that day.
Vehicles were ticketed which were parked within bays that state “match day controls apply”. I counted seven all in a row.
There is no mention that these controls include events other than “matches”. It is reasonable to assume therefore that these restrictions only apply when there is a football match, and now the football season has finished there is no reason to check further.
There are signs on certain main roads that give the dates that these controls apply, but for drivers coming into the zone via any side street there are no such signs. Therefore, these drivers park in ignorance of the restriction signs displayed on the main roads.
These tickets, I would suggest, have dubious legality due to the council’s inadequate signage and would surely be overturned on appeal.
It is time the council lived up to its stated policy of “common sense parking”.
It is also time the council considered the needs of local businesses. A customer who gets a parking ticket will not return.
Shops will be forced to close and residents will be left with a street of empty and boarded-up shops.
Is this what the council wants in its relentless pursuit of income generation?
John Adams
Beechwood Bureau
Green Lanes, N16
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