Ethical investing
• ALTHOUGH I’ve been encouraged by the supportive letters from people who are disappointed, as I am, about the council pension fund’s investments in companies producing arms and/or supplying military products, I am disappointed that councillors write letters on other subjects in these pages but do not seem to have a view on this issue.
I have emailed Councillor Andrew Cornwell, the Liberal Democrat chairman of the pension sub-committee, to express my concerns that Islington Council pension fund has more than £3million invested in such companies but have had no reply. I urge those who would like to hear how these investments can be defended to request responses from him at andrew.cornwell@islington.gov.uk
I have also now set up an online petition which will be presented to the pension committee to illustrate the concerns of council tax-payers.
I urge those who would like to see the council divest from the death trade to read the text of the petition and sign it if they agree, at www.gopetition.co.uk/online/19612.html
Together, the concerned residents of this borough can encourage our council to become a leader in ethical investments. That would be something that all of us (including our councillors) could be proud of.
Robin Yu
New Wharf Road, N1
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