Greens out of touch
• I FIND it incredible that the socialist mindset of the Green Party in Islington makes it believe we’d all be better off if politicians all got on. While I appreciate the Greens don’t understand how competition works, you’d think that the recent furore over the Essex Road post office would’ve given them some clue as to how politicians fighting for the opportunity to represent the interests of the people are beneficial to, well, the people.
As a consequence of the clear relevance of this issue to an awful lot of voters, Lib Dems and Labour have been trying their utmost to save the post office and claim the associated glory.
Importantly, they’ve been trying in different ways, as reported in the Tribune – the Lib Dems have run a grassroots campaign designed around community pressure on Post Office bosses, while the MP has made personal approaches to said bosses. And they’ve been successful.
Now, the important question is: do the Greens really believe both sides would have fought so hard and so stubbornly if they weren’t in competition?
Witness the sheer hatred on display in Councillor Barry Edward’s letter (Post offices: let’s fight on, June 6). It’s not nice, but it’s a great motivator. And, as voters, we want our politicians to be motivated on our behalf, and to make them fight for the opportunity to represent us.
Unfortunately, the Greens remain blissfully naïve about how democratic politics actually works. Until they start understanding the real world, it’s impossible to take them seriously.
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