Schools to get sale cash
• I DO understand residents’ concerns about the site of the old Moorfields School, but I am writing to insist that no one has been kept in the dark over the sale of this land (Threat to lobby Minister over £7m school site sale, June 6).
Although I sympathise with newer residents, the disposal of this site is not a new idea. Four years ago, when Moorfields was merged with Prior Weston, we consulted extensively with residents and parents about what would happen to the site of the old school. This has been public knowledge for a long time.
We would like to see some affordable housing built on the site, as we desperately need more in this borough – but residents can be assured that any development will go through the normal planning processes.
The planning applications will go through rigorous scrutiny and be open to public involvement. I hope that residents will come to the planning meetings about the site – and we promise to listen to them. I know already that councillors for Bunhill have taken a keen interest in the site and will be making representations on behalf of local people.
The sale of this site will raise millions of pounds to improve Islington schools, although this probably doesn’t matter much to MP Emily Thornberry, who sent her children to Hertfordshire to be educated. But I’d be happy to give the MP a list of school rebuilding plans that would be mothballed if this doesn’t go ahead.
Ms Thornberry’s threat to “speak to the Secretary of State and tell him what’s going on” was redundant, as the council is legally obliged to get the permission of the Secretary of State for Education before we can sell the site.
We’ve been as open as possible about this over the last few years, and I hope as many residents as possible get involved in the planning process for any new development.
Lib Dem deputy leader, Islington Council
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