Recycle office staff?
• I HAVE been somewhat underwhelmed by Islington Council’s performance over a minor problem recently. When we were issued with the brown food waste recycling boxes, presumably no one realised the plastic lids were “unfit for purpose” because in a comparatively short period of time they cracked and split.
I patched ours with parcel tape, but after a collection some weeks ago it was left completely broken off the box and even more badly cracked.
On June 4 I called Contact Islington and was delighted to learn that the person answering my call was able to deal with my request for a new lid/box without me being transferred. I was given a reference number and told it would take about four days before I received the replacement. However, nothing happened.
On June 19, I called again and the person I spoke to said he was mystified why there had been no action and he said he would re-order but it would take another four or five days. Again nothing happened, so on Tuesday I called a third time. After waiting a few minutes, I was told the department responsible was very short-staffed and they could not say when I would get the new box. I said that I wished to speak to the manager of the department because the food waste was smelling in the hot weather and I needed to know how long we could expect to wait.
She would neither put me through to the department nor give me the name of the manager. Apart from suggesting that some parts of the council need recycling or preferably renewing altogether, I wonder whether the supplier of the defective brown boxes was held responsible or whether taxpayers are having to fund the replacements. Perhaps someone will tell us.
Oakley Road, N1
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