Humps blockade
• EVERY time Islington Council is asked to comment on speed humps it trots out the same line, “Speed humps save lives and you can’t put a price on that”, as if that puts an end to the debate. Anyone who opposes bumps is a heartless moron who wants death to rule our streets.
Not only is this response ingenuous it isn’t even true. A price is put on life all the time whether we like it or not. Insurance companies, the courts, the Health and Safety Executive, the NHS and the military “put a price on life” when they make a risk analysis that informs decisions about where to spend resources.
If the council sticks to this anti-democratic approach to its responsibility to listen to voters and taxpayers about genuine issues of concern, then why are we bothering to engage with them at all?
If you are concerned about speed humps that don’t work or a speed limit that isn’t enforced or a weight limit that is ignored then there is a simple solution. Get some of your like-minded neighbours, dig up your speed humps and use the rubble to blockade your street.
After all, life is priceless and according to the council any cost or action is justified to preserve it.
Charles Day
Monsell Road, N4