Problems, problems
• IT is back to the bucket. For 30 years everything in my flat worked. But, for the last two months since I had work carried out, nothing has worked properly. My place has been flooded because of damage to the roof and a broken tap.
We pointed out the problems to Homes for Islington (HfI) but in the end we gave up as we have been made to feel we are a nuisance. I was classed as an old woman, moaning and complaining.
Now, you don’t need to know much about building work to know if something is not right. The workmen were pleasant enough but many were unskilled. Work practices were terrible and health and safety did not exist. It has had a bad affect on my health.
Like most tenants, I don’t have the money to get in people to put the work right. Now I wonder what will go wrong next.
But at least I did have nearly 30 years of no problems with the property. All this could be avoided if a small team of properly qualified, skilled builders did the work. This is no way to treat tenants, whether we are rich or poor.
Mary Coss