United in fighting any form of discrimination
• ISLINGTON’S Conservatives attended July's council executive meeting, and listened to Councillor Catherine West legitimately question Councillor Terry Stacy on the categorisation of public toilets as green space in Islington.
I was subsequently shocked to hear (Political war of words over sex and ‘innuendo’, August 8) that Cllr West has been hauled in front of the borough’s standards committee on charges of not promoting equality and bringing her office into disrepute.
Although I disagree with Labour and Cllr West on many policy issues we, and our parties, are united in fighting all forms of discrimination, be it racial, religious, sex or sexual orientation.
It is a sad day for Islington when Liberal Democrat councillors are using these very issues together with the machinery of the council, to undermine their political opponents. Why is the council spending taxpayers’ money and the time of council officials investigating this “offence” rather than focusing the resources of the council on the residents the Liberal Democrat council is supposed to be serving?
The actions and motives of councillors Stacy and Ursula Woolley are highly dubious.
Where are the wise heads in the Islington Liberal Democrat leadership keeping these people in check? I would ask the senior Islington Lib Dem leadership, Councillor James Kempton and PPC Bridget Fox, to reconsider the actions of these councillors by withdrawing the investigation.
Deputy Chairman, Islington Conservatives