Save the Sobell
• THE council has failed to consult people honestly over the future of the Sobell Centre. The consultation did not give the option of keeping the Sobell.
It is not good enough for the council to demolish the Sobell Centre and give up land owned by the people of Islington to developers in the hope they will fund a new smaller leisure centre and that some of the housing will be “affordable”.
Experience shows that developers are not interested in social housing. New social housing being built in Islington is small and cramped – much of it alongside the waste transfer station in Caledonian Road. People are being squeezed into smaller spaces and it is vital that they have sports and leisure facilities such as those at the Sobell.
I call it the People’s Sports Centre because it is a large venue that all Islington people have access to, unlike the Emirates Stadium, which they have no chance of going to.
I hope sense will prevail and Islington Council will consult the people honestly. Refurbish and develop the Sobell. The land surrounding it can be developed creatively with green space and some housing.
Yerbury Road, N19