• IT was difficult not to notice that every one of the A-level students whose photographs appeared were students from ethnic minorities (It’s a result! Pass rate is set to hit the 97% mark, August 15). Furthermore, all the additional students mentioned in the article (whose photographs were not shown) were also from ethnic minorities. Given the ethnic balance of Islington schools, no sensible person would think it a good idea to feature only white A-level students in this kind of coverage. So why did the Tribune think it a good idea to feature only non-white A-level students?
• Editor’s note:
NATURALLY, as you would expect in these modern times, the question of ethnicity does not arise in the selection of photographs at the Tribune office.
However, the edition S. Warwick refers to carries, in fact, images of a mixture of students of all backgrounds – as it should be in a borough like Islington. Nonetheless, we are pleased readers vigilantly scour our newspaper.