We haven’t bottled it
• YOUR columnist was right to highlight that bottled water represents a waste of money and resources (Will politicians have the guts to lose their bottle? October 3).
But when she reports that Islington Council is lagging behind others in the UK in introducing measures to discourage people from buying bottled water, she is totally wrong.
The council banned bottled water from our municipal offices in 2007, and we were among the first in the country to do so.
The environmental impact of shipping and bottling water was one big consideration. Buying water in bottles costs 500 times more than drinking from the tap, so this has also saved the council thousands of pounds a year on bottled water and coolers.
I hope other councils will now follow Islington’s example, and that restaurants and businesses will also drop the bottle.
Cllr Greg Foxsmith
Lib Dem executive member for the environment |