Our tribute to Martyrs
• A GROUP of residents have started to meet to plan events in south Islington to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Tolpuddle Martyrs, which falls in April 2009.
The Martyrs were six farm workers who were put on trial and transported to Australia for organising a trade union. There was a great demonstration in London in April 1834 in support of the Martyrs, which involved some 150,000 people, and was critical in securing the release of the Martyrs, as well as preventing any plans that the government of the day had for the criminalisation of the trade unions. The march started at Copenhagen Fields in south Islington, and is commemorated by a mural on the side of the Mitre pub in Copenhagen Street.
Our plans include a commemorative march through Islington, events in schools, music and history walks.
We are going to have our next organising meeting early in December. If any readers would like to join us, please contact me on 07777 671381 for more details.