Our sanity on the line
• I WOULD like to object to the advertisement for Islington Primary Care Trust in the Tribune last week. It is a callous act not to mention counselling as a basic service to help manage the pain of mental illness.
The idea that serious afflictions may be “cured” by a computer game called “Fear Fighter” or “Beating the Blues” is daft. What if it doesn’t help? Is there an interactive computer game called “Top Myself”?
When “Fear Fighter”, “Beating the Blues” and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) don’t work I can always “Top Myself”. This will simulate what it’s like to be dead rather than merely fearful or depressed.
What is CBT? Like all acronyms it smacks of branding, but mental health isn’t a trend-setting FCUK, DKNY or CBBC – it’s our sanity that is on the line.
Can the advertisement offer counselling as an option. Or are we in the wrong postcode for that basic health service?
Daphne Chalk-Birdsall
Compton Terrace, N1