Where are tax cuts?
• THIS week I received a leaflet from Bridget Fox and Islington Liberal Democrats stating they are the only party contesting Islington on a promise of tax cuts. We at Islington Conservatives find this surprising.
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London as well as being a well-known Islington Conservative, has announced that he would keep the Mayor’s precept in our council tax frozen this year, and hopes to continue this freeze going forward. Furthermore, George Osborne announced that if councils would agree to keep council tax increases below 2.5 per cent, this would be funded by central government rather than by councils directly. Both these measures would add up to a post-inflation cut in council tax.
Since Islington Lib Dems have been elected to the council, have they actually cut council tax? When Bridget Fox was a councillor, before being turfed out by Barnsbury voters, did she vote to cut taxes? Check how much council tax you are paying if you are unsure...
Ramona Simms
Islington Conservatives (Caledonian ward)