Mall serves up talent
• WE understand the situation with The Mall in Islington is highly emotive and are sympathetic. We do not intend to add further distress. We are in the process of acquiring the lease for the first-floor restaurant that was formerly Upper Glass and Lola’s.
We wish to reassure residents our concept for the space is absolutely not some rowdy all-night club, or indeed a nightclub at all. We wanted to bring some life back to a beautiful and unique space in one of the most iconic buildings in Islington. The venue we are proposing, called Guild, will be a bohemian-style coffee shop/bar/
restaurant promoting works by local artists, photographers and musicians and offering the chance to observe creative output from a vast pool of talent.
We are not a large established organisation; we are a small, start-up business working on an idea that has been a lifelong dream. We understand there are residents in the immediate vicinity of the Mall and will ensure we and our customers are completely respectful.
We will never have live music after midnight and while it is true we are seeking a late licence we do not intend to noise pollute and disturb those trying to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.
We’re keen to discuss the concept and any concerns with interested parties, especially residents. Anyone with an interest can get in touch at aliy@guildbars.co.uk
Anthony Ferguson
Director of Guild Bars