Action now on age bias
• IN JUNE last year the government took an important step forward: it finally acknowledged the injustices faced by older people every day in accessing basic goods and services. It promised to abolish the last “ism” permitted in our society, by banning age discrimination in the planned Equality Bill.
This decision was long overdue, but now senior citizens face an even longer wait before they get any protection from discrimination. An 18-month government review of dealing with ageism in health and social care threatens to push the passing of any new law well past the next election – and at that point the chance for change could well be lost.
This is a huge disappointment. I have asked my MP to sign Early Day Motion 458 to call for swift action to ban age discrimination. I urge readers to do the same by supporting Help the Aged Just Equal Treatment campaign.
They can take action by calling 0207 239 1982 or going to www.helptheaged.org.uk/justequaltreatment.
Older people who are being denied vital health care or who struggle to buy insurance cannot afford to wait.
Chairman, Islington Pensioners Forum
Providence Place, N1