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The decision to close down the Federation of Islington Tenants’ Association (FITA) has caused a storm of protest. Here, Homes for Islington chief executive Eamon McGoldrick explains the reasons behind it
MANY of you will have read about... > more |
Mall ruling so unfair - IT was very sad that a government inspector has ruled that the Mall on Camden Passage can be turned into a big chain... > more
Why force out traders? - I AM appalled at the treatment of the small independent traders who provide such valuable services to commuters outside... > more
Sobell just magnificent - AS head of England Squash and Racketball’s facilities group, I urge readers and councillors to consider the proposal... > more
Poisoned chalice? - I WAS surprised to read so many letters with a simplistic view of what is involved in the “free school meals versus council... > more
Plugging potholes - LAST Friday afternoon I was waiting at the bus stop on Cally Road and saw a pothole the buses had dug up. My boyfriend rang... > more
Credit to King’s gran - YOU stated incorrectly that St John’s College is “a prestigious Cambridge institution founded by the mother of... > more |