Will cyclists obey code?
• RED lights are not just to stop traffic, but to let pedestrians cross (Cycling MPs split over Boris’s ‘left turn on red’ plans, April 17). Most cyclists do not even glance up when illegally jumping them. To ask them to signal before they do it, with Mayor Boris Johnson’s permission, would be like asking them to observe the Highway Code the rest of the time. It is not going to happen.
Kulveer Ranger, director of transport policy at City Hall, said it would improve relationships with other road users, but what about the pedestrians they will be running down?
Cycles are just as much a danger to pedestrians as any other vehicle on the road. The Highway Code is there for a reason: for all road users to observe it.
Boris, we love you, but this is madness.
Janet Wooden
Highbury Quadrant, N5