Turn for the worse
• THE junction of Hazellville Road with Hornsey Lane, Archway, was narrowed by the council a few years ago with two coned-shaped bollards, one on each side. These reduced the turning circle and started giving problems to cars trying to turn into Hazellville Road and Hornsey Lane. As a result quite a few cars were damaged.
The cone on the right of Hazellville Road was knocked down so many times the council decided not to reinstall it. The one on the left, turning into Hornsey Lane, was left in position and is being knocked down once or twice every month. It is being reinstalled every time. These cones are low and not visible when a car is next to them.
This bollard should be moved inwards about a metre and be replaced if necessary with a pole-type bollard about four feet high so that it is visible.
The council has also installed containers for green waste, one of which prevents proper view of traffic coming from the east side of Hornsey Lane. Can these containers be moved please?