Our investment in schools will last for generations
• LAST week I stood down as leader of Islington Council. I should like to thank the people of Islington for allowing me the enormous honour and privilege to serve them in this role for the past three years.
The choice in Islington has always been between just two parties: Labour, who nationally and locally put your taxes up, even in a recession, and the Liberal Democrats, who have proved we can deliver good-quality, value-for-money services with one of the lowest council taxes in London.
I am proud of what Liberal Democrats have achieved since taking control of the council at the start of 2000. We inherited huge problems from Labour: the highest council tax in London, a massive hole in social services funding and the worst education service in the country.
I am pleased that nearly 10 years on Islington is financially secure and rightly totally focused on giving residents value for money. We are a more listening council and one of the best-run authorities in London, according to the Audit Commission. And Islington is undoubtedly a much greener and cleaner borough today and a national leader in tackling climate change.
But for me it has always been about improving education and giving young people the best start in life. Islington’s GCSE exam results are now more than double what they were under Labour and I expect further improvement again this summer. Islington’s new secondary school, the St Mary Magdelene Academy, and massive investment in new schools and children’s centres are making a difference that will last for generations.
I have greatly enjoyed being council leader but now is the time to hand over to Terry Stacy. He will be a fantastic leader. I am looking forward to continuing to serve the people of St Mary’s ward until I step down next May.
Thank you also to all the people who have sent me their best wishes since I announced my intention to stand down – they are truly appreciated.
Lib Dem, St Mary’s ward