Saying it with flowers: ‘Passionate’ tributes at leaving ceremony
FORMER Liberal Democrat leader Councillor James Kempton said farewell with flowers at his official leaving ceremony on Wednesday.
Cllr Kempton (left) presented bouquets to staff who supported him during his rule as leader, saving the prettiest bunch for his successor, Cllr Terry Stacy (right).
Cllr Stacy paid tribute to Cllr Kempton, saying: “Most people say I’m passionate about Islington but I can usually reply by saying James is more passionate. You only have to walk down the street to see the achievements James will be leaving – Golden Lane Campus, Mary Magdalene Academy, New North Community School. His passion for education is second to none.”
Cllr Kempton said: “I wouldn’t have given up the role of leader if I wasn’t able to hand it over to Terry Stacy.” |