Youths take over parks
• WE regularly take our children to Whittington Park, and have done for years, but for the last few months there has been a steady rise in the number of people using the park to drink, smoke and let their dogs run free and fight.
Many a time I have gone to put my two-and-a-half-year-old on the swings or roundabout only to have a group of youths sitting nearby smoking and swearing.
Each time I look for an official they are either nowhere to be found or simply sitting in a shed.
On a few occasions I have even seen the dog patrol van in the park with the officers sitting inside as teenagers have taken over the facilities while their dogs run free in the playgrounds.
Now the sun is shining it has become impossible to go into playgrounds without the threat of aggression, being attacked by dogs or having to suffer secondhand, sometimes illegal, smoke.
Lee Rickler
Director, Point and Stare
Alexander Road, N19