Relief over park loo
• I FOUND out about three months ago that the public (children’s) toilet in the playground at Foxham Gardens in Holloway had been closed, without any notice or consultation.
I take my 19-month-old boy there most days and I know the local primary school children use the playground extensively from about 3pm onwards. The lack of this vital amenity means the only option now is for them to wee against the fence.
I decided to organise a petition (ably supported by our local councillor, Ursula Woolley) asking Glendale to reopen the toilet. Many of you will have met me as I came door-to-door asking you to sign the petition (and huge thanks to all those who did).
I have just heard from Cllr Woolley that Glendale has agreed to reopen the toilets, after giving them a much-needed clean-up. I believe this will happen at the end of June.
This is, however, only half the battle. Previously, the toilets had an intermittent attendant whose presence had the effect of keeping potential troublemakers away from the playground. No doubt readers will have seen the recent re-emergence of graffiti and litter in the playground. I have been picking up little pieces of glass every now and then, especially worrying with such a small and inquisitive child in tow.
I will therefore be continuing my campaign by asking Glendale to re-assign an attendant.
I have only been in this area for a couple of years but am aware that residents worked hard to get this playground and park cleaned up and safe. I’m not about to let Glendale let it slip backwards again.
I will be asking the council (via Cllr Woolley) to see whether the attendant position can be written into Glendale’s service level agreement for future years to ensure it cannot be removed again without proper consultation.
I am grateful for the level of support I’ve received thus far. If you’d like to be involved, drop me a line, preferably by email at gravesarthur@hotmail.
com as it’s much easier to keep you updated that way.
Tufnell Park Road, N19