Swine flu: what to do
• SWINE flu is proving to be a relatively mild virus in people who are generally healthy. However, it is contagious, so if readers believe they are suffering from swine flu they should keep up their fluid intake, take over-the-counter flu remedies and call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or check their symptoms at www.nhs.uk if they are concerned.
The most valuable thing our patients can do is to take their temperature with a thermometer. If the temperature reads 38 degrees or above and the patient is suffering from two of the following symptoms, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, headache and limb/joint pains, contact the surgery by telephone. This will help us to limit the spread of the virus, particularly to patients visiting the surgery with other illnesses, who may be at greater risk from the flu.
Readers can protect themselves and others by following good hygiene rules, such as washing their hands regularly with soap and water, keeping surfaces clean, using tissues to cover sneezes and coughs and throwing them away afterwards.
Finally, I would like to assure readers that your local practices are doing everything they can to ensure those patients that require treatment get the appropriate advice and to try to stem the spread of this flu bug.
Chairman, Islington Local Medical Committee