Keep God in his place
• THERE seems to be some confusion with so-called religious belief and the law (Christ taught tolerance not this attitude to gays, July 3). When taking a job, especially one that involves executing the law, there is only one option: execute the law or leave. The law, like life, changes over time, and as it changes so must oneself, or move on.
You can also try to change the rules, through Parliament not through the courts.
Civil partnership is not a religious service. As the name implies, it is a civil matter. You would go to your faith group to commit your relationship in God’s eyes.
Likewise, divorce is a civil matter. There are many faith groups which require their own procedure for separation, such as an annulment. If you marry by law, divorce by law. Married by God, separate by God.
Give to the civil what belongs there and to God what belongs there.
Via email