Cash bid sparks call for pledge on homes
HOUSING chiefs have been accused of trying to prevent much-needed homes being built in Islington.
But Lib Dem council leader Councillor Terry Stacy insisted this week his plans will mean more homes, not fewer.
The row broke out at last week’s executive meeting when councillors discussed plans to bid for extra government funding for four housing projects in Clifton Court, in Finsbury Park, Neptune House, in Newington Green, and Docura House and Seven Sisters Road, in Holloway, which would mean 23 new homes.
Labour councillor James Murray demanded assurances that, if the cash bid was successful, the money saved would go towards building more new homes. If not, Cllr Murray said Labour would “call the decision in” so it could be reconsidered by a council overview committee. He added: “They are asking for money from the government to fund schemes already earmarked by the council. It looks like they are grabbing that to save themselves some cash.”
But Cllr Stacy said: “We’ve got the opportunity to bid for additional cash but we’ve no idea if we’ll get any. We’ve bid for sites we’ve already identified, which will free up cash to spend somewhere else in housing.”
As it was difficult to find new land to build on in Islington, any freed cash would be used to tackle overcrowding through more imaginative methods, such as building extensions and helping housing associations acquire new homes.
He added: “The money’s not being lost from housing. It won’t go towards repairs.” |