Logic and love
• I WAS saddened to read the comments regarding homosexuality and marriage (Letters, July 17).
Despite the majority of the community accepting relationships of all kinds, there are still a few who uphold less open views. By allowing civil partnerships, gay couples have not only the emotional bond that marriage provides, but the same legal rights as any “traditional” couple.
Patrick McKay states that there is a high rate of suicide and violent death among those in gay relationships, yet it is arguable that this can be said for heterosexual relationships as well.
The use of religion to “back up” these views is equally worrying. To invert Biblical teachings with that aim is a form of religious extremism- one of the true causes of “social decay”.
To deny yourself the love of another, whether they are male or female, is in my eyes a true “rejection of logic”.
Kirsty M Moyse
Alwyne Road, N1