Care home watchdogs
• THERE have been many worrying media reports about poor care in adult care homes. The government organisations regulating them have changed three times over the last 10 years, resulting in “a complicated period for care providers and a bewildering one for care home residents”, while a survey of inspection reports found them “disturbing”.
In April, yet a fourth organisation replaced the others, the Care Quality Commission, which “aims to make sure better care is provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies or voluntary organisations”.
This will provide an opportunity to demand improvements; so first-hand reports of deficiencies in any homes you know could be extremely useful.
Islington Pensioners Forum will welcome recent experiences, or those of people in local care homes you have visited, and we will report your criticisms.
Islington Pensioners Forum
1-5 Providence Place, N1
0207 226 7687