Bankers out people in
• MARY Davis’s excellent book, Comrade or Brother, on the trade union movement deserves a reprint (New Labour have blown it: things can only get better, July 31).
It’s a timely reminder of the active role trade unions will need to play under a Tory government.
They will only be effective if they pursue a democratic, militant and independent path.
Mary also mentioned the People’s Charter for Change. The original 19th century Chartists effectively called for a new social and political system and today’s Charter echoes the six key points in calling for real change if we are to move away from “Bankers’ Britain” towards a “People’s Britain”.
The Charter’s aim of a million signatures offers only the starting point for a collective effort to build a fairer Britain in which trade union rights are secure.
The People’s Charter will be holding a launch meeting in Camden in the autumn. Please go to our website – peoplescharter.com. – for more details
Brunswick Centre, WC1