Bring home the troops
• THERE has been great sadness in recent weeks over the increasing loss of British troops in Afghanistan. Every life lost is a tragedy and our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of the fallen.
We also mourn the loss of many Afghan civilians – innocent people struck down in a war not of their choosing. History shows that this will be an unwinnable war – every past conflict in Afghanistan is testament to that.
Killing people is not the way to resolve the complex problems of this region, and we urge our government to turn away from the path of bloodshed.
We are joining with the Stop the War Coalition and the British Muslim Initiative to organise a national demonstration in central London on Saturday, October 24, calling on our government to “Bring the Troops Home”. That is the real way to support our troops and begin to build peace in Afghanistan. We hope readers will support it.
Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament