Time for little man to strike back against traffic menace
• I WAS pleased to read that Bridget Fox was taking up the Tesco lorry issue (Store wars: Lorry parking protest, August 14). I raised this in the Tribune letters page some years ago and it received little attention.
Nothing has changed and I wonder why it has become a hot potato now. The real problem, of course, lies with the people who gave planning permission to Tesco. Where the heck did they think the lorries were going to park? They should be called to account.
I have recently been undertaking a one-man campaign against another traffic menace. That is black cabs parking nine deep behind the taxi ranks at Sainsbury, in Liverpool Road, Angel.
Apparently, the local authority is having to undo a dispensation it gave in the past for taxis to park up for 10 minutes on double-yellow lines. Bizarre!
The council has now put up signs stating that cabs will be monitored by CCTV and wardens (when did you last see a green uniform along that stretch of road?), with parking tickets being issued to those waiting on double-yellow lines.
I ask you to be the eyes of Islington and report this where it is not happening. I will be using Freedom of Information laws in due course to check that the council is keeping to its word.
Capitalism seems to have no boundaries in the Tescobury’s Empire of Islington, and it’s time for the little man to strike back.
Britannia Row, N1
• I FIND it rather ironic to read that Islington South and Finsbury parliamentary candidate Bridget Fox, just like the ghost of elections past, is rattling her chains over the issue of Tesco Metro, at Islington Green, having to park delivery lorries in a bus lane because they have nowhere else to go. Ms Fox tries to sound as if she is fighting on behalf of small businesses and shoppers. In reality, when she was a councillor (before the voters threw her out) she was a key player in bringing the current disproportionate parking regime to the streets of Islington.
Thanks to Ms Fox and her fellow ghosts, small retailers and their customers are still suffering from the Lib Dems’ unimaginative and suffocating parking rules.
Labour, St George’s ward