Drawings put forward by a team of young advisors for the redevelopment of Hornsey Road baths laundry rooms |
A clean break! Youngsters’ vision for laundry rooms
YOUNGSTERS are set to reveal their plans for the old Hornsey Road baths laundry rooms at a public exhibition.
Fourteen young advisors have helped shape the new £3.5million youth hub, advising architects, who will turn the buildings into performance rooms, a theatre, dance studio, café and exhibition space.
The advisors were recruited to represent the views of young people in Islington on the development of a flagship performing arts centre.
They will use a mix of drama, dance, spoken word and visual arts to present the architectural and design plans, and ideas for how the centre will be used in the future.
The complete plans for the building will be open to the public from 10.30am-4.30pm today (Friday) and tomorrow.
Guided tours will be given and an exhibition displayed in the upstairs performance space at the Hornsey Road Baths site.
Anyone wanting to book on to a tour to see the exhibition can contact Kieran Gray on 020 7527 3124 or email childrenspartnership@islington.gov.uk. |