This bus is a big plus
• WHY does Florence Kenna find herself at a loss over the 812 bus route (Mystery bus tour, August 21)?
She has only to hail the bus, board it and enquire as to the direction. The driver would immediately hand her a leaflet detailing the route and times of the service.
Her suggestion of bus stops signposted with route stops and times is to be welcomed. With the ever-increasing, double-yellow lines on roads, it is becoming difficult for drivers to stop when hailed.
The bus stops could be sited at benches already en route. The increase in frequency of service is showing good results, with a slow but steady growth in passengers.
A publicity campaign is needed in the Tribune and the council newsletter Islington Now, giving full information as to who is operating the bus; the person responsible for that operation; and contact telephone number and address. There should be full information as well, detailing not just the bus stop but the actual roads on the route, times and prices. These should be large, attention-getting spreads, which could be cut out and kept for reference.
Furthermore, there should be supervisory personnel at at least one stop. The Sainsbury’s one would be the most obvious.
This person would not only keep check on the timing of buses, but be available to passengers on the spot, to report any arbitrary changes of route on the part of the drivers, as sometimes happens.
Passengers could also obtain immediate, accurate information about any delays or cancellations; or any other pertinent information. The addition of a bus service for secondary roads is a real plus factor. Its name, Plus Bus, signifies its genuine value and purpose. I find it invaluable.
Packington Street, N1