Gazing at a coin stack
• I WOULD like to congratulate management and staff at Essex Road post office. This post office, which we should remember was under threat of closure, is now far better run than before and has even extended its opening hours.
What a difference from other post offices in the area. I made the mistake of going to a major post office yesterday at approximately 3.15pm. The queue reached the front doors, which in itself is not unreasonable, until you find out why: of the nine tills, four were lit but only two were manned.
A few members of staff sauntered in and out behind the counter from time to time and eventually one of them did open his till and called for the next customer.
Once he had dealt with him, however, he did not call another but sat there gazing sullenly at his coin stack. A customer in the queue remarked to me that serving a customer was obviously so tiring the poor fellow needed a rest.
The clear impression here was that the staff – in contrast to the post office in Essex Road – treat customers as just a nuisance. They make no apparent effort to reduce a long queue or carry out the service for which they are paid.
I do not know what enabled the changes for the better at Essex Road, but Post Office Ltd could learn some lessons and improve its image as well as help its customers.
Meanwhile, I say “well done and thank you” to everyone involved in saving Essex Road branch and to those who now run it.
Oakley Road, N1