‘Cowboy’ work alert
• CAN I thank Homes for Islington (HfI) for accepting my praise on its review of the electrical rewiring on the Popham estate, then literally throwing it back in my face.
Following the review, HfI said that before rewiring took place tenants would have electrics tested, to see if a full rewire was necessary, and, if so, then a “pull through” of existing conduits would be carried out where possible.
If the “pull through” was not possible, then surface-mounted trunking would be used, placed as inconspicuously as possible, and up against skirting boards and fixtures to give a neat job.
The reality is that this is not happening. Tenants are still receiving the same ‘cowboy’ work as per before the review. Why? HfI has said that any tenants who agreed to the work being carried out before the review would have it carried out as if the review hadn’t taken place.
I asked HfI why it hadn’t written to every tenant telling them about the review. I was told that until it got a list of tenants from Apollo, the contractors, it was unable to do this.
HfI is the arms’-length management organisation for Islington Council, our landlord, so is HfI now saying that only Apollo has our details?
I would urge any tenant who is due to have rewiring carried out in their property to ask for a full test of the electrical system before work commences, and then ask for a full copy of the review of the rewiring to ensure the work is carried out to these standards.
Secretary, Popham Estate Tenants and Residents Association