Risks blow in the wind
• LEAF-BLOWERS are medically, socially and environmentally abusive.
They poison the users and public with fumes, and inflict 90mph winds. It’s surely no coincidence that the sharp decline in numbers of butterflies, bees, bugs and birds has happened at the exact time blowers are mass-market.
They are used all year round in every green space, inch-by-inch, often hours in a single day.
Every park, woodland, heath, playing field, cemetery; outside schools, hospitals, housing estates, care homes, libraries, even car parks.
A kilo of dust is blown up each hour. It contains powdered rat faeces and urine, powdered dog, cat and bird faeces and urine, moulds, pollens, dead insect parts, lead, carbon and PM2.5 entrained dust, which is lethal, as the body’s defences can’t cope with it.
These facts come from the internet. If you type “leaf-blower harms” into Google, 68,000 pages come up. They include research findings from countries where the machines were made illegal.
So, as high season use in autumn approaches, do please see (and hear) for yourself: witness very thick fumes, sickening dust, extreme noise and wind-violence. Each machine costs £1,000 a year in fuel too.
Fumes and dust are weakening immune systems of parks staff and public at the very time they need to be strengthened.
Hornsey Lane, N6