Tick boxes go missing
• NEARLY two years ago, Parkview tenants’ and residents’ association committee in Highbury promoted the idea of a garden and play area to supplement much-needed repairs to the sports court. A complete set of computer graphics was produced. A small “in-house” survey of about 30 responses, out of 140 estate households, was “beefed up” to indicate “overwhelming support”.
Around £130,000 has been collected by Islington Council and Groundwork. Residents saw them taking preliminary measurements of the site in July. Groundwork’s official consultation of each resident household, strangely delayed, has only just appeared. The original document, seen and approved by most of the committee, gave clear choices, with tick boxes for “yes” and “no” and clear photographs and diagrams. Residents received a different document, with unclear computer graphics and several mistakes. Crucially, Groundwork had been instructed to remove all tick boxes giving a No choice.
Residents are still waiting for their views to be considered. Many are outraged that their chance to say No has been taken away. Meanwhile, the scheme goes ahead.