Parks just get better
• I WOULD like to take issue with the claim that Islington Green park used to be better (Trouble with lorries, August 28). I strongly disagree; Islington Green and parks all over the borough have improved beyond recognition in recent years.
Islington Green used to have a Victorian charm, but it was oddly laid out and always looked a bit scruffy and muddy. Somehow the bushes managed to make it all feel a bit oppressive too.
Now it looks very smart, with well-kept lawns, and places to enjoy the sun. Every summer it seems to be more and more popular, with more people enjoying the open space.
There is also the striking, wreath-shaped war memorial, which replaced the temporary memorial. Nearby Duncan Terrace Garden has also been given a pleasing makeover to make it more attractive; and it also feels much safer to walk through.
Fern Anderson
Noel Road, N1