A case of bite or bark
• THANKS to the Tribune for helping publicise the problem of dogs damaging trees (Trees in danger as fighting dogs strengthen jaws, October 2). I must, however, make one correction to your report. While it may be true that dogs have “become the new weapon of choice for some people”, your reporter is wrong in attributing the comment to me.
While some of the damage is undoubtedly due to owners training their dogs for (illegal) fighting, much of it appears simply to be the result of dog-owners using trees as jaw- and muscle-strengthening equipment. It does not follow that the dogs are being trained to attack – people or other dogs. Young dog-owners are often simply bored. Once they understand the consequences of their actions – that damaging its bark can kill a tree – they are willing to change their behaviour. Adult dog-owners, female and male, appear, regrettably, less open to change.
Urban trees are vital for city living. It’s up to all of us to look after them.
Meg Howarth
Bark to Bark |